At Throne Room Immigrant Settlement, we are dedicated to helping immigrants find their footing in Edmonton, Alberta. Our mission is to provide comprehensive settlement services that empower newcomers to build successful lives in Canada. With our team of experienced professionals and a welcoming atmosphere, we are here to guide you on your journey toward integration and success.

Settlement Support:

Our settlement counsellors are here to assist you in navigating the challenges that come with starting a new life in a new country. We guide housing, employment, healthcare, and more.

Language Services:

We offer language courses and language assessment services to help you improve your English language skills and feel more confident in your daily interactions.

Employment Assistance:

Our employment specialists can help you find job opportunities that match your skills and qualifications, ensuring a smooth transition into the Canadian workforce.

Cultural Integration:

We organize cultural events, workshops, and activities to help you connect with the local community and embrace the Canadian way of life.

Why Choose Throne Room Immigrant Settlement?

  • Experienced Team: Our staff includes professionals with years of experience in immigration and settlement services who understand immigrants' challenges.

  • Culturally Diverse: We respect and celebrate the diversity of our clients and ensure a welcoming environment for everyone.

  • Community Partnerships: We collaborate with local organizations and government agencies to provide you with the best possible support.

  • Client-Centered Approach: Your needs are our top priority. We tailor our services to meet your unique requirements.

Get in Touch

Ready to take the first step towards a brighter future in Edmonton, Alberta? Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in your settlement journey.